Established in 1978, this SES client is one of Australia’s leading distributors of unique home fittings, fixtures and furniture. The company has evolved from humble beginnings to 80+ employees currently.
The Project
Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES) started working with this distributor in 2014. Since then, SES has assisted in analysing their electricity bills and data, spotting an opportunity to decrease the client’s energy cost by installing Solar at their North Geelong site in Victoria.
Based on the energy consumption at the site, a 99.2 kW solar was recommended, which reduced the annual power consumption by 56%.
SES managed all aspects of the project, including liaising with the suppliers, managing the relationship with the client and arranging all the necessary documentation pre and post the solar installation. Throughout any energy efficiency project, our role at SES is to troubleshoot any challenges, answer any questions from the start of the project to the end and provide suppliers with client feedback.

‘The client will reduce their total electricity consumption by 90,794 kWh per year, saving approximately $341,918 over a 15- year period from their energy bill.’

To discuss your energy needs, contract Sustainable Energy Solutions on 02 9371 4153 or contact us here.
About Sustainable Energy Solutions
Sustainable Energy Solutions is a niche consulting firm specialising in energy procurement. Our mission is to educate and prepare medium and large businesses to address the impact of energy on their businesses and develop strategies to enable them to effectively take control of their energy cost.
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